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At a time when everything is served to consumers on a digital platter, patience is running low. Your content would have to captivate your audiences within the first 1.7 seconds on mobile, and 2.5 seconds on desktop. Fail to get their attention within that time frame, and you miss the opportunity to make a lasting impression that could be converted into a sale.

This is why the digital marketing world has shifted its attention into something more engaging – video marketing.

Why Video Marketing?

Just how huge of an impact does video marketing have?

1. Video marketing improves engagement

Looking for proof of how effective video marketing truly is? YouTube. Almost 5 billion videos are played on the video content platform on a daily basis. And if YouTube’s success is not enough for you, HubSpot Research reports that 54% of consumers prefer videos over email newsletters.

These numbers show that a solid business video can do so much more than your regular content. Videos on landing pages actually have the power to increase conversion by 80% simply because it does more than just educate or inform – it tells your audience a story that they can fully consume. Videos push your audience to use their different senses all at the same time. This makes the entire experience something they are more absorbed in.

This is why a sound video marketing strategy from a trusted video production company can make all the difference in bringing your business from where it currently is to where you want it to be.

2. Video marketing is cost-effective

How much are you investing into your marketing efforts? You may feel that video marketing is too expensive for your business. After all, a full-blown video production costs so much, right?

Well, it used to be.

Today, as the demand for video content becomes more apparent, the means to produce quality business videos are more accessible and more cost-effective. In fact, video production companies can now work within the budget of small to medium businesses without sacrificing quality.

Besides, think about the returns. Pouring financial resources into less effective marketing strategies will only mean that you’re putting money into something that will not bring in as much returns. Video marketing can give you more results. In fact, 97% of video marketers admit that videos have been most effective in increasing consumer understanding about their products and services. 76% also say that video marketing has helped them pull their sales up.

3. Video marketing is good for SEO

No, there’s no need for you to forget all your other content. In fact, video marketing can be an amazing complementary element to whatever written or visual content you already have.

So what’s all this talk about your business video being good for SEO?

The statistics here are amazing. Did you know that having a video on your page actually makes it 53 times more likely to show up on a Google search?

Also, do a Google search and look at all the results that come out. Now, in that sea of search results, there’s bound to be one or two results with a video snippet attached. Coming from the point of view of consumers, which would attract your eyes first? Yes, the search result with the video snippet would most likely be the evident choice. Remember that humans are highly visual creatures. In an SERP where you’re competing against a few other results, your best bet is to have something that your audience’s eyes would instantly be drawn to (aside from your striking title and the intriguing meta description).

 4. Video marketing increases conversion and sales

Did you know that 74% of consumers who watched explainer videos actually went ahead and made a purchase later on?

Videos have the ability to improve brand and product recall in consumers. And because a business video is something that a consumer can see and hear at the same time, it is also easier for them to process the information faster. Reading written content is fine – it delivers the message. However, it also means that the person reading it would need time to process whatever it is they are reading about. They would have to imagine what’s being explained to them. They have to form their own mental picture.

With video content, the image is right in front of them, playing while the context is being explained to them in detail.

 5. Video content looks great on any device

With the influx of various mobile devices into the market, it has become a top priority for marketers and content managers to make sure their content, whether written or visual, performs well no matter what device the audience uses.

Of course, this can be an issue when it comes to written content. Although responsive design allows pages to adjust depending on the device used, videos remain to be more flexible and easier to absorb regardless if you’re using a widescreen, a laptop, or a tablet.

6. Video marketing caters to different audiences

It doesn’t matter if you’re going after the single woman who works from home or the college student who’s always out with friends. The great thing about video content is that it is something that people from different audiences can appreciate.

From there, connecting with each audience group will be about using the right tone and approach that fits your target audience best.

 7. Video marketing is the future

Over the years, you’ve seen consumers replace their desktop computers with laptops. Later on, they started shifting towards mobile devices. In terms of video content, the shift is also apparent. From regularly produced videos, you now see live videos and virtual reality content hitting the digital marketplace.

This amazing transformation is not slowing down. In fact, it’s only getting started.

By 2019, it is predicted that video marketing will be taking over 80% of all web content. That means that if you don’t start producing quality business videos as early as now, it might be too late for you to dive into the pool where all of your competitors are already swimming.

It is also apparent in the transition of video content from one form to another that the approach taken is never the same. It may be live videos and virtual reality now – but what about tomorrow? What about a month or a year from now? As more consumers clamor for more video content, the changes will definitely be more exciting.

Knowing that videos can do all these and more, there is no other reason for any marketer or business owner not to prioritize working with a reputable business video provider.

Effective Forms of Video Content

Now that you see how deep the importance of video marketing goes, the next step would be to figure out what its most effective forms are. Video production companies would usually give you a number of options, depending on what your final goal is.

Product Videos 

How-to videos are among the most watched video forms not only on YouTube, but on other video platforms as well. You see, reading about how to use a product or how a service works step by step is not always easy. Watching how something is done, on the other hand, is much easier. Your product or service’s ease of use can be emphasized more through video than through writing.

Brand Videos

Brand videos are perfect if you want to increase brand awareness. It’s the most fitting medium to use if you want your audience to understand your business’s culture, mission, and vision. It’s a great way to bridge the gap between you and audiences you just haven’t reached or engaged with just yet.

Testimonial Videos

Nowadays, consumers rely on recommendations and reviews from people who have the same pain points that they have. It’s easy enough to produce a written testimony from any of your clients. However, if you’re looking for something more engaging, something more credible, it’s always best to have a real live person speaking in front of your target audience. Customer testimonial videos show real emotion, something that your audiences will relate to better.

Live Videos

Where other videos may seem staged or planned, live videos have this raw appeal that makes it more effective for a lot of audiences. It also has higher energy – knowing that whatever they’re watching is happening right at that very moment will make audiences feel that they’re personally part of it. This is perfect if you have any events ongoing, or if you want to give audiences a behind-the-scenes look around your workplace.

Expert Interview Videos

One great way to ensure the credibility of your brand is by getting the insight of someone people would see as an expert in the field. This familiar face will help you make people understand why your product or service is important.

Educational Videos

You can also create business videos that aim to do nothing more than to educate your target audience. It could be about something related to your field of expertise, something relevant to your industry, or something they should know about what your product is and how it works.

Other video formats you could consider would be 360° videos, augmented reality videos, and personalized messages, among others. Your chosen business video expert can help you decide which type would best suit your needs.

Building an Effective Video Marketing Strategy

It’s a given that video marketing is the most effective marketing approach there is. However, rolling out a video marketing strategy for the sake of rolling one out will do you no good. You need a solid plan that will ensure that no resources are wasted.

Here are a few things you should remember to make your video marketing as effective as possible.

1. Have a clear purpose

Are you trying to drive in more traffic to your pages? Or are you focusing more on better brand awareness? Do you feel like you need better ROI? Do you find that your leads just aren’t enough?

For every problem, there is a separate solution and approach. This is why you need a clear goal before starting out on your video marketing journey.

Having a clear goal will help you figure out what kind of video you need. It will also help you see what kind of information you need to deliver. If your target audience is still in the process of looking for solutions for their challenges, it’s always best to go for educational posts that will steer them towards the solutions you offer. If they’re already at that stage where they’re just choosing which brand to go for, then customer testimonials and product demos would be perfect. So, figure it out. Are you going after the former, or the latter? Is there anything else you wish to address?

2. Focus on educating, not selling

In-your-face selling is something most consumers do not appreciate any longer. It’s the exact reason why traditional marketing just doesn’t work anymore. Today’s consumers want facts and relevant information, not generic sales pitches.

This is why your videos should shun out the selling and concentrate on educating. Give them information relating to their pain points that will make them think about reaching out for the best solutions. And when they do, you’ll be right there to hand them the right answers.

3. Make an impact right off the bat

Don’t beat around the bush – this will waste precious seconds and will only make you lose your audience before you even get to the point. You don’t need a fancy introduction. What you need is a straight-to-the-point opening that will make people stop and listen to what you have to say.

Try starting off with a question or statement that you know your audience will relate to. Pain points are the best weapon here. It does not just capture their attention, it also makes them realize that you know what they’re going through. If, for example, you’re offering solutions to homeowners who are feeling burdened by their monthly payments, start off by talking about how much regular homeowners have to work just to make sure their mortgage is covered. If you want to reach out to people who want to make the switch to a healthier diet, start with a statistic talking about how much harmful ingredients are in everyday food.

4. Stop lecturing, start conversing

Remember that communication is a two-way street. It’s not just about you pushing your ideas to whoever’s watching. Since this is in video format, you have to make your audience feel like you’re listening to whatever they’re saying. Quit going into professor mode. Make it as fun as possible. Make it something that will make your audience nod their heads in agreement no matter where they’re watching you from.

This is also why thorough research is important before creating a final video. You have to know what your audiences would probably want to hear. You’ll also want to find out what their current struggles are and what their issues are about the current options available to them.

5. Optimize!

Whoever tells you that SEO is dead definitely does not know what he or she is talking about. As long as Google is alive, SEO will always be around.

Make sure your video is hosted from your own domain before it is uploaded to any available sharing site. You also have to ensure that your video can be embedded onto any other page, as this is on good way to improve the number of incoming visitors on your site.

You may also want to look at video sitemaps. This sitemap will give Google information about your video, allowing Google to correctly categorize your video.

Lastly, you have to work on a keyword-optimized description. Remember that Google sends out its search bots the moment a search is made, and the best way for these bots to find your content is to have keywords that match whatever the user types into their Google search bar. Don’t just key in any generic keyword – you may end up in a stiff competition against other similar content. Invest in proper keyword research to improve your odds in the keyword race.


Take these tips to heart as you plan for your video marketing strategy. These would help pave the way to success.

Without a doubt, a powerful and engaging business video could be the very thing that helps your business reach its targets. You just have to remember that aside from having it go viral, your video should also be aligned with what your business ideals are and what you’re aiming for.

It’s also best that you allow your video marketing strategy to work hand in hand with other marketing plans you have in place. Just because videos work great does not mean you should stop updating your blog, or discontinue taking care of your social media channels. It’s a matter of finding the perfect balance among all your marketing channels. From there, you can expect to reap better rewards in the end.

To jumpstart the process of creating an efficient video marketing plan for your business, contact us here. 

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